Paddleboarding was started by surf instructors as they moved around the water attending to learners. With time it became a sport and has continued to be popular. You can get Paddle Board Rentals Edmonton if you want to play the game.
Research has proven that paddleboarding is a good way to keep fit and enjoy. The following are some of the benefits of paddleboarding:
It is Fun
A paddleboard party is going to be the most fun you’ll ever have. There are several endless games you can do when having a paddleboard party. It is a great way for relaxing and unwinding while having fun. There’s no greater way of enjoying a summer party than being around a water body.
People are finding new ways of having fun other than hosting parties indoors. With the Covid-19 pandemic, paddle boarding parties have become popular as it is a way of connecting with nature and friends.
It is a Low Impact Exercise
Paddleboarding is a great way to exercise with a low impact. You will not damage your tendons and ligaments when pulling through the water. Minimal movement is required compared to other sports like tennis which you put yourself at risk of getting knee and hip pain.
Paddleboarding is gentle on your body it just involves standing and paddling. Athletes who are rehabilitating are advised to try stand-up paddling to help them get on their feet. It speeds up the healing of the muscles without further damaging them. Paddling engages the core muscles as you balance the back and the abdominal muscles.
It Helps to Burn Calories
Paddleboarding is known to help people who want to achieve their weight loss goals. According to studies, it can help lower body fat faster than using weight loss pills. Paddleboarding has been one of the fastest-growing sport since 2013 mainly because of the number of calories it burns.
Recreational paddling, just like a bouncing castle burns double the number of calories burned during a leisure walk. It is possible to burn 300-430 calories from a single hour of moving smoothly at a moderate pace. Stand-up paddling racing is the most intense form of paddling. During the race, you are likely to burn the most calories between 713 -1125 calories in one hour. Men will burn more calories than women.
It Reduces Stress
For most people, physical activities help maintain a sound mind and body. The unique thing with paddleboarding is that you relieve stress due to the sedative nature of the water around you. By breathing the clean air and being on the water you can get rid of negative energy within yourself. You instantly clear your mind and forget about your past worries. In case the paddling board falls off, you get to experience adrenaline rust that puts stress away.
The sound of water is relaxing and calming to every human being. Stress is reduced once you start paddling and you find a rhythm. The beautiful environment stimulates the brain to produce serotonin and endorphins which are responsible for making you happy.